Amazon Home Office Ideas

The move to home offices ramped up with Covid and with school uncertainty families are modifying their home office set-up again. We walk through our Amazon Home Office Ideas. Last year, we did a post the home office must-haves. We are expanding to feature those office must haves that you can purchase on Amazon.
With a brick and mortar store ourselves, we LOVE supporting other local brick & mortar stores; however, you may need to purchase some items on Amazon. As an expert, we wanted to help cut thru some of the noise of all the options. Our links are an affiliate, meaning we get a small commission if you purchase. How small, well, we have yet to cover our electric bill for one month, but we have covered a lunch or two. While better than a kick in the pants, the commission does not influence our opinion. We are only recommending items we have purchased ourselves or would purchase.
Sit to Stand Desk Amazon
We were approached by Flexispot to sell their product thru our dealership. As with any product, we sell we did our due diligence in reading reviews and the fine print. The pricing is incredible. The only down side we could find was the product arrives in 2 shipments. The base comes separate from the desk top. I asked Flexispot why this is and was told it is an effort to avoid shipping damage to the desk top. Do not be alarmed when you do not receive the desk & the base at the same time. The other complaint was the confusing install instructions. Not to worry, with a quick search of Flexispot on YouTube, you can find a video to assist with the assembly.

Modern Glass Desk
This is our favorite desk for a glam gal. We love the glass the top and the white bookcase that doubles as desk support. We love the interesting lines made from the S shape. One of our best selling products is our acrylic shelves. This desk would look fabulous with our shelves!

Home Office Chair Amazon
Now, that you have a standing or glass desk, you need a home office chair. We have seen plenty of really cheap office chairs on Amazon. While ergonomically they may be better than the dining room chair, we worry about how they will hold up after 1 year. In fact, many have a very short warranty span of only a year.
For our home office chair recommendations, we turned to Laura Davidson chairs. In a Facebook group of interior designers, these chairs are what the designers have in their home offices. If you like the look of the classic Eames Soft Pad chair, the Soho is almost a dead-on match a fraction of the price.

The bowery management chair is very similar to the Herman Miller Sayl. We like that there is a seat pan adjustment that allows you to move the seat cushion within a fist of the back of your knees. We believe a seat pan adjustment is a MUST HAVE for an ergonomic chair. This makes the cushion support the maximum amount of your thighs. Also, the arms are adjustable. While most chair adjustments do not change from day to day, the arms are one adjustment we regularly change.

Office File Cabinet Amazon
We love mobile file cabinets. In the industry, we call it a mobile ped. The office file cabinet is part chair, coffee holder, file cabinet, end table, etc. You get it…it is a flexible piece of furniture. We are again recommending Laura Davidson. We are impressed that the piece comes with a key. We are also a sucker for the curved lines. Most desks are rectangular and we like adding some other shapes in our home office designs.

Desk Plants Amazon
Truly, you can order anything from Amazon and that includes plants! We ordered this set of 4 desk plants Amazon that are low maintenance in care and filter our pollutants like formaldehyde found in offices. My set included a pothos, fern, peace lily, and snake plant.

Blue Tooth Speaker Amazon
This versatile blue tooth speaker Amazon is a must-have for the home or corporate office. It has white noise with 15 different sound therapy. I have used it as a night light for my kiddos and a dance party speaker. It is small enough to fit in a medium size purse. Love the versatility of this speaker.

Amazon Buying Tip
On the right side of an item, make sure you double check what company you are purchasing from and who is shipping the item. Amazon will sometimes change this for you to give you the best price. The down side is the company shipping the item may not be reputable. We have a friend that had to stop selling on Amazon. Too many fraudulent sellers would advertise their product, but it wasn’t their product. It was inferior in quality.

We are sure if you purchase any of these Amazon Home Office Ideas, you home office will rock! Feel free to share with us at
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