Cubicle Installation Service
As a nationwide seller of office cubicles, we have worked with cubicle installation services everywhere. Office cubicles can be tricky to install. If you have more questions about cubicles, we explain more about cubicle sizes and panel widths on this link. Whether the brand of cubicles you have are Herman Miller-Knoll, Steelcase, Haworth, Allsteel, Hon, Teknion, AIS, Friant, Open Plan, Global, Kimball, or something else, each cubicle manufacturer has their own unique features. That is why we recommend hiring professional cubicle movers / cubicle installer for cubicle installation.
We always make sure our cubicle installers or cubicle movers have a lay-out of how the cubicles will fit in to the space. This helps visualize the product in the space. Last year, we added to our process and send a big 20″ x 30″ lay-out, so the crew is working with a larger plan on our jobs. The larger plan is so much easier to read than a small plan. No one wants eye strain for your cubicle installers! This eliminates mistakes due to misreading panel sizes due to a tiny font. It costs about $5 to have a big plan printed at FedEx and another $5 to mail to the installers. Worth every cent! We love this quote in terms of planning your cubicle installation:
It is better to prepare than to repair. ~ John Maxwell Leadership Author
Cubicle Movers Near Me
If you are looking for the best cubicle movers near me to provide cubicle setup services, we can help. Over the years, we have learned the importance of working with good cubicle installers. We have also learned putting in the work on an accurate lay-out can save you time and money. Below are 2 lay-outs from past projects. These are crucial for accurate cubicle installation. No one likes to be blind sided. The best installers like to get as much information upfront about a project. The more information we have about the project and job site the better. Things like how big are the elevators, can we get into the building an hour early? Those are the things we want to know to make the cubicle install as smooth as possible.

Cubicle Installation Services Kansas City
Being based Kansas City, we do a lot of cubicle installation Kansas City. We have our 2 person regular crew and then, we work with several other installers in the market depending on job size and availability. Our installers have worked with every cubicle system. If you need cubicles installers, e-mail at or call us at 913-701-4847. Here is example of a Herman Miller Ethospace. Just one of the hundred of cubicle installs where we used professionals for cubicle installation.

Office Cubicle Installation Service Portland
Because we have done several projects for office furniture in Portland, cubicle installation has been a component of these projects. This install of 7 x 7 office cubicles was one of our projects. As always, our cubicle installers in Portland did an excellent job!

Cubicle Installation Service Houston
We have done several projects with cubicles with doors. In this cubicle installation for a Houston project, we worked with a local Houston installer to install refurbished Haworth cubicles with sliding doors. The client wanted modern and clean for their medical supply company.

This same group of office cubicle movers helped us with this install at a college near Houston. The group was thrilled how the cubicles with locking doors looked.

Office Cubicle Movers Atlanta
We have done several projects in Georgia. We put a few of those projects on our blogs. One was a project for a room dividers for a school district administration office.

Another Atlanta cubicle installation was for an insurance office. These cubicles are 82″ tall with plenty of openness in the office space.

Cubicle Movers Los Angeles
Our cubicle mover in Los Angeles has been wonderful! After multiple projects, we have heard from several happy clients. Recently, we had a client needing used call center cubicles in Los Angeles. Our installer was able to locate something locally for that client. Here is one install from our office cubicle installation Los Angeles.

Cubicle Installers Louisville
Louisville is a market where we have several clients. This has provided the opportunity to use the same cubicle installers in Louisville for multiple projects. Here is a recent install of Herman Miller AO2 cubicles. The cubicles are 8’x10′ in a manufacturing plant with a concrete floor. In additional to a large lay-out, we sent carpet tape to secure those panels to a slippery floor.

Cubicle Installers Louisville
There are many other cities would could list…Las Vegas, San Jose, Phoenix, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis, etc. If you have a need for a cubicle installation service or cubicle movers, we can help! Please contact us and let us know more about your project.
Office Furniture Installation Checklist
Being prepared is the best plan for an office furniture install. Here is the office furniture installation checklist we use before our installs.
Date of Install — Confirm the date a week out and then, the day before to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Confirm Address — This is a huge one. So many times the address is wrong. I have had installers show up at the office the company is leaving. Double check the address.
Contact Name & Number (2 contact if possible) cell phone numbers — Make sure the install crew has 2 contacts with cell numbers. This way any issues can be quickly resolved.
QR code videos — I include QR codes that go to product install videos as a resource for installers.
Big Print — Love a big print for reading the dimensions of parts. I have been called when installers couldn’t read the tiny print. On one job, they couldn’t figure out why they were short parts. They couldn’t read the print and had to re-install the cubicle panels. Lesson learned…send a big print.
Production Meeting — For larger jobs or an installer I haven’t work with before, I like to have a production meeting a week out. This gives me time to find out the answers to any questions the office furniture installers. Recently, I didn’t do this with a new installer and the job didn’t go as smoothly as it should have.
Pictures & Sign Off after Install — The client sign-off and pictures are huge. We want the client to be happy and we want to see the product. The pictures are my favorite part. Each project has a bit of me in there. It represents time I spent…I want the BAM moment to see the results. I send the pictures to anyone that worked on the project.
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