Portable Hospital Partitions

These portable hospital partitions went from requested to installed in less than a week.
We just completed this install of patient room dividers for Covid. It started with this request of a Clinical Manager in a hospital to her facilities designer.
We will need to start housing two patients per room with covid, I was wondering what barriers/dividers might exist that I could put in between patients if appropriate? A curtain is not really an option as there is no track for it…Anything this week would be helpful…We are looking doubling patients possibly this week.”
Then, the facility designer started looking for options. We were one of 4 vendors asked if we had a solution. The feedback from the other vendors was it would take 4 weeks. That was not our answer. We found a solution that could get the product to us by Friday and installed over the weekend.
Made in the USA, the portable hospital partitions are 78″ tall x 52″ wide. They are on casters for portability. From the aluminum to the acrylic, the surfaces are easy to wipe down. When choosing a disinfecting agent, ensure the agent is suitable for acrylic.
The install team worked all weekend to complete the project. In the event that patient rooms must be doubled up, the dividers will provide patients some privacy. With lots of help, we were able to come thru for the client. We did it!!!
Reflecting back on this project, the nurses like that the acrylic is a bit frosted from privacy. You can still tell someone is there, but not be able to see exact movements. A fixed base of a half moon vs. a mobile base is an option. The divider is light weight and can be moved with the fixed base.

Freestanding Divider
One of the biggest challenges of this job was removing the protective covering from the acyclic. It slowed down the job completion by several hours. In fact, I am going to share the lessons learned.
How to remove protecting covering paper from Acrylic
Upon reflection of this job and talking to our install crew, it was the protective covering of the acrylic tiles that was our bottle neck. Because space was limited at our client, we had staged at our warehouse. We put the acrylic on panel carts for an easy wheel in at the job site.
We thought we were good. Not so. Whenever you start at a corner to peel off, the covering it rips in strips. Knowing that furniture dealers all over the country are installing lots of acrylic, I checked in with dealers I know. The tips I received:
- Peel the corner and use a dowel/stiff rod/tube like from the core of a bolt of fabric and slowly roll it off. The trick here is to position the rod at the corner of the sheet, wrapping it around rod, and slowly rolling off the paper masking. This helps roll the paper off in a consistent and uniform way, preventing it from tearing. Once you get 1 off do not remove the paper from the rod. Move on to the next one and duplicate the process.
- Add heat in the form of heat gun or blow dryer to release the glue.
- Remove before the job site and rewrap in plastic wrap.
- Patience was one of my favorite responses. Of course, this same dealer asked me to share whatever recommendations I receive.
Hopefully, this helps someone! If you are interested in portable hospital partitions or office dividers, please feel out the form above or contact us at nikim@greencleandesigns.com or text/call at 913-701-4847.
We like the frosted aspect of the dividers. You know someone is in the room, but you can’t see thru them. ~ ER Nurse
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